Thursday, March 22, 2012

When Romance Tiptoes Across The Page

History indicates a dire situation where young men are called to war. The story becomes more intense as diplomacy fails or fate destroys leaving a nation vulnerable to invasion. Yet in the turmoil of pending disaster romance tiptoes across the page.

Historical fiction/romance is exciting to imagine and even more exciting to bring to life. I have read a plethora of historical fiction and nonfiction over the years and find romance finds a way to enter the story. As a character's personality is built his/her soul begins to show on the page. Human nature is to reach out to others and sometimes a special someone enters our lives. The same holds true with the characters of a historical fiction/romance novel.

The characters' lives revolve around the historical events and as in life continue in the normal vein until something shatters their world. Their reaction can take two paths:

  1. Lash out at the fate which brought this unwanted intrusion on them; or
  2. Turn to each other and trust in God's Grace to bring them through the trial
I choose number two - Trust in God's Grace. As my characters live through the dilemma facing them I strive to show how they support each other the way we would want to be supported in the same situation. The characters don't know what the outcome of the days events will bring just as we don't know about tomorrow. And out of this a love story grows and builds with the uncertainty of what new dilemma the next chapter will bring.

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